Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Hello, I am Olivia. I have my associates in general studies so that I could focus on my psychology, philosophy, and art educations alike. I am currently amidst my studies in the B.A. Art Therapy program. I waitress at a gourmet vegan restaurant and am also a floral designer with a quirky yet highly professional artesian florist.  It is of utmost importance to me to help people through artistic expression. I am continuously looking for ways to capture beauty, struggle, and triumph alike to connect human and natural experiences from person to person, tree to tree. I have always been drawn to photography but haven't given myself enough attention playing and learning the field through the lens. I am excited to delve in through this course. I do not have a camera at this point, just my good ol' iPhone. That will have to do for the time being.
Be well!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Olivia,

    Nice to meet you and welcome too class... Great to hear about your artistic inclinations...looking forward to seeing what you will create!
